Converting UAL to promille

What is the difference between milligrams per litre of exhaled alveolar air (UAL) and pro mille (promille)?
To determine blood alcohol levels, police measure the amount of alcohol in exhaled air (“blowing”).
When you take a traditional breathalyzer test, the result is expressed in milligrams per litre of exhaled alveolar air (= UAL).
The non-professional driver is punishable from 0.22 mg/l milligrams per litre of exhaled alveolar air (UAL).
In certain cases, a blood test is carried out. For example, if the driver fails to take a valid breath test or if the driver requests it himself after a positive breath test.
When your alcohol concentration is measured by a blood test, the result is expressed in grams per litre of blood (= promille or pro mille).
From 0.51 grams per litre of blood (promille) onwards, the non-professional driver is punishable.
Read about the penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol (alcohol intoxication) here
How is UAL alcohol converted to promille?
0.22 mg/l UAL (exhaled alveolar air) therefore corresponds to 0.51 g/l (promille).
0.35 mg/l UAL corresponds to 0.8 promille.
0.65 mg/l UAL corresponds to 1.49 promille.
From 0.66 mg per litre of exhaled alveolar air (1.52 pro mille), you are usually summoned to the police court.
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Below is the conversion table to convert UAL alcohol to promille. (converting mg/l UAL to g/l blood):