Personal injury

If you have suffered a personal injury in a traffic accident, you are entitled to proper compensation.  Proper compensation is full compensation for the damages suffered – nothing more but certainly nothing less.

Why Yprius lawyers for you personal injury?

We understand the physical, financial and emotional impact of a personal injury and ensure that you receive proper medical treatment and compensation.

We guide our clients through the entire process.

We help you gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies and (if necessary) defend your interests in court. During our negotiations, we also have insight into what is feasible if the police judge has to rule.

Mr Marie-Hélène Debaere followed the postgraduate specialisation ‘human damage evaluation’ at KULeuven on personal injury calculation. Mr. Curd Vanacker has extensive experience in assisting and representing clients who have suffered physical injury. Together, we ensure that you get the best possible result.

What is the process of settling an accident involving personal injury?

It is important to keep all necessary claim documents immediately after the claim.

It is also best not to go unprepared and alone to an expert opinion, whether it is a court expert opinion, an amicable medical expert opinion (MME) or an appeal by the other party’s expert.

Indeed, in determining physical damages, the decisions of the (court) expert are very important.

After the expertise, it is basically clear what temporary personal damage, household damage and economic damage you have suffered.

The expertise will also determine the time of consolidation and determine the permanent personal damage, household damage and economic damage.

These damage items will be expressed in percentages.  On this basis, damages will be calculated.

A solid damage estimate is work for a specialised lawyer.

If you are in doubt – and especially in the case of serious physical damage – it is best to call on our expertise and experience before accepting a compensation proposal.  Do not allow yourself to be taken for a ride.

An initial consultation with us in such cases is always non-binding and for your further assistance our costs are usually covered by the legal assistance insurance, so it is free of charge for you.

So it is better to contact us ( too early than too late.